Quiet The Clock Podcast

In this episode of “Quiet the Clock,” host Beth Gulotta and her guest Kelsey Darragh, creator, filmmaker, and author, dive into the emotional and medical intricacies of fertility treatments. Kelsey shared that people were (even herself) surprised by this decision because she has always been open about not wanting kids, and even while she is still unsure, she acknowledges there are changes she has made that she never imagined possible and this too may change.  Or it may not, but making this choice allows her that option. Beth and Kelsey share personal stories, discussing the unexpected outcomes and the emotional toll of the process. Beth reveals her therapy experience with microdosing mushrooms before a transfer, while Kelsey talks about the stress of treatments during the pandemic. The episode also covers the challenges of medication protocols, the variability in egg retrieval results, and the supportive role of friends in decisions like sperm donation. They conclude by addressing the need for more open discussions on fertility and the hope for better fertility support in the future.

Key Points

– Fertility, egg freezing, and decision-making around having children

– Personal experiences with fertility and egg freezing

– Importance of being proactive about fertility choices

– Need for more open conversations about women’s health and fertility

– Journey of sobriety and its impact on fertility decisions

– Importance of having a supportive and knowledgeable gynecologist

– Impact of lifestyle choices on fertility

– Emotional challenges and impact of stress on reproductive health

– Challenges of fertility treatments during the pandemic

– Involvement of partners and siblings in fertility choices


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