Quiet The Clock Podcast

In this heartfelt episode, join Beth Gulotta and Dru Sutton, Executive Producer and Video Strategist, as they delve into the depths of family, adoption, and the pursuit of authenticity. Dru bravely steps into the spotlight to share his own adoption journey, recently reuniting with biological relatives, revealing the raw emotions entwined with discovering one’s roots.Dru had a real desire to share his story after so much time behind the camera, filming Quiet the Clock and hearing countless stories of women’s unique paths to preserving the option for motherhood, and motherhood, learning that they all do not look the same. He felt compelled to share the love he has for his adoptive family from the lens of the adopted child. Strongly encouraging this as an option if biological children are not an option for you.  


As we journey alongside Dru, we’re reminded of the profound value in vulnerability and transparency, particularly in the realm of dating and parenthood. Dru’s insights offer a poignant guide for those contemplating egg freezing, navigating age disparities in relationships, and cherishing the support of non-judgmental friends. This episode isn’t just about family ties; it’s a testament to the beauty found in life’s unexpected twists and the transformative power of embracing our true selves. Join us for a soul-stirring exploration that promises to touch your heart and perhaps even reshape your outlook on life’s profound journey.


Key Points

– Dru’s Personal Adoption Story: Dru shares his adoption experience from a closed adoption in New York and his connection with biological relatives through Ancestry DNA.

– Impact of Adoption on Family Dynamics: Discusses the complexities of adoption, the effect on family bonds, and the emotional impact on Dru’s adoptive parents.

– Thanksgiving with Biological Relatives: Dru recounts his first meeting with his extended biological family during Thanksgiving and contrasts it with his sister’s search for her roots in Korea.

– Dating as a Single Parent: Dru talks about the challenges of dating as a single parent, emphasizing the importance of vulnerability, transparency, and considering potential partners as future step-parents.

– Learning from Every Interaction: Dru reflects on the lessons learned from various personal encounters, asserting that every interaction can teach something valuable.

– Guide to Egg Freezing: Provides insights and considerations for individuals considering egg freezing, encouraging listeners to seek support.

– Exploring Transparency and Vulnerability in Relationships: Discusses the differences between transparency and vulnerability in relationships, advocating for genuine connections and maturity in dating.

– Dru’s Openness to Questions: Dru invites listeners to reach out to him with questions related to adoption, dating, and family dynamics.



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