Quiet The Clock Podcast

Our First Newsletter

April 9, 2024
Hi Quiet The Clock Community Member,

I am so excited to share that we are rolling out a new newsletter. Every other week you will get a personal note from me, sharing more of my story, podcast hosting life, mom life, therapist life and so much more! I am so excited to be able to connect with this community in this way.  I thought I would start from the beginning: who I am and why I started this podcast!

Hi I am Beth! A psychotherapist, group practice owner, mom, and now podcast host. Growing up as an identical twin I always struggled to find my own identity, it was hard to know who I truly was without being grouped with someone else.  My sophomore year of college my sister transferred to another school and for the first time I got to explore who I truly was. I did not realize at the time that I had also been so ingrained with external messaging of who I was, what I should want and what I should do.

My senior year of college I moved to Europe to follow my basketball playing boyfriend at the time (my first foray of going off the path). I didn’t race to the entry level job like most of my classmates.  After a year of running around Europe I decided to move home and get a job in Finance because that is what everyone “told” me to do.  I very quickly found myself miserable and most days crying at my desk.  This feeling sparked a journey (that would take me many years-nothing happens overnight) that lead me to find what I truly loved to do and supported a life I wanted to live.  Sorry but I am not down for only two weeks’ vacation dictated by someone else.

Fast forward, many years, many masters, many long nights I became a therapist and opened my practice.  Along the way of figuring out what I wanted to do; life was happening. People were getting married, buying houses, and having babies, and I was not one of them.  I found myself lonely, misunderstood and riddled with the pressures to have these things for myself. Because according to society I should have them by now.  Should is my least favorite word by the way.

At 34, I met my now partner Rob, which according to society that is late, at 37 I froze my eggs and at 40 I became a mother. My path was never linear and it did not check the boxes in the time frame it was supposed to-which caused a lot of emotional turmoil and took away from me fully enjoy the beauty of my own path.

As my personal and professional journey was unfolding, I kept hearing similar stories from other women, feeling left behind, or like they were running out of time. Riddled with the same pressure and emotional turmoil as I had because they had not met these milestones. Story after story I started to realize just how common this was, and I knew I had to do something. I needed to cultivate more conversation and awareness that the boxes are bullshit! So Quiet the Clock was born.

We are working to dismantle the messaging and the narratives that for so long dictated what we thought we wanted and by when.  I am so excited that you are here and listening, and I am so excited to start sharing with all of you in this new way!
