Quiet The Clock Podcast

In this deeply personal episode, join me and my dear friend Nancy, who has been a pillar of strength and support in my motherhood journey. Nancy is the epitome of paying it forward and she does so again by joining us on Quiet the Clock and being completely open and vulnerable about her journey. Nancy’s candid sharing about her love story with Albert, connecting later in life, their fertility journey prior to marriage, offers a raw, heartfelt glimpse into a journey many can relate to. Her timeline and journey is something I relate to so much because it was so similar to mine!

We bare our souls, discussing the emotional rollercoaster of fertility treatments in our late thirties, sharing the intimate decision-making process and the complexities of involving our parents, or not in this deeply personal journey. Together, we delve into the highs and lows of fertility treatments, the waiting, the heartaches, and the courageous decision to continue on facing previous disappointments. Our conversation also explores the power of friendships and the unique understanding shared among those who’ve walked similar paths, offering a beacon of support in times of uncertainty. Nancy’s story highlights the resilience of women and the beauty of honoring your own journey and rewriting the version we have been told. 


Key Points

  • Discussion on societal pressures and personal challenges in late parenting.
  • Nancy’s experience with cultural expectations in her fertility journey.
  • Impact of fertility challenges on relationships, particularly for women in their late thirties.
  • Detailed IVF treatment process, including associated emotional challenges.
  • Nancy’s resilience in fertility treatments and her decision to consider donor eggs.
  • Personal stories about using donor sperm and eggs, including social stigma and bonding.
  • Changes in friendship dynamics due to diverging life paths and unconventional family-building.
  • Importance of community support in fertility journeys and a guide to egg freezing.
  • Emphasis on emotional support and gratitude for such relationships.
  • Personal fertility stories highlighting moments of hope, despair, and resilience.
