Quiet The Clock Podcast

Quiet The Clock August Monthly Update

August 15, 2024

As I think many of you know or have seen, I have been focusing on my health to support my fertility. And what that has looked like for me is changing my diet, adding in a bunch of supplements, changing out all my products and cookware to be more toxic free. It has been a lot! I will do a future newsletter to share all of that.

But last night I did something that was so good for my health that had nothing to do with food, supplements, or non-toxic products.  I had dinner with two of my former best friends, and wow let me tell you, it was just what I needed. Being at a table sitting across from two ladies who have seen it all and been through it all with me and just know me to my core, was refreshing, refueling and so grounding. For that three-hour dinner there were no thoughts of fertility, of what I should or should not eat or drink (the margs were amazing!). Just presence with people I love and who love me.

It got me thinking about friendship and the importance of friendship but also the changes in friendship, especially as we get older, and all our paths start to go in different directions. I am sure you have seen the posts on Instagram about all the different stages friends can be at, especially in their 30’s. Some are married with kids, some are buying houses, some are single and still partying. Life takes us all in different directions and sometimes we can feel like we cannot relate, and we no longer have anything in common.

What I realized last night was that even when life takes us in different directions there is always an opportunity to come back together, reconnect, reminisce, laugh, check in and reignite that friendship.

I encourage you to think about the friends that you might have lost touch with, (I am not talking about ones that ended for good reason, that were unhealthy and toxic) to remember what that friendship meant to you, what it felt like to spend time with that person and maybe even your best memory with them.

Then I would encourage you to reach out to them, send a check in text, a thinking of you text. These are so meaningful. And maybe even plan a dinner! Connection to people who really know us is so good for our health and our soul.

I know I can get so lost in life, in my grief through my fertility struggle, the thought that I don’t have time for this and so much more.  But I am so extremely grateful I took time to have that dinner.  It shifted so much for me. Today I woke up lighter, happier, and grateful for these friendships.

Hoping you reconnect with those friends, have some great margaritas, laughs and fill your soul!