Quiet The Clock Podcast


A Psychotherapist, Group Private Practice Owner, Boy Mom and Host of Quiet the Clock.

My life has defied societal milestones for as long as I can remember. My path never quiet looked like everyone else around me, and while I have so much understanding and gratitude for this now, at the time I felt sad, I felt behind, I felt like I was running out of time.

As a therapist I have the privilage and honor of being let into the most vulnerable parts of my client’s lives. And while my story was unfolding in a way that looked different, I kept hearing countless stories from my female clients that felt the same way.


Approaching and being in your 30’s and 40’s can be a time that particularly heightens the pressures to partner, have children, figure out your career and all the other things we “should be doing.” I think it can also be a beautiful time of self-discovery and growth if we can drain out the noise and get really clear on what matters to us and milestones and timelines that are authentically yours.  You will see that if you can get that clarity all things will make sense.  Join us and let us help you uncover that clarity.
I have found through so much reflection and new understanding that my timeline was perfect for me and everything was right on time. I wish I could have realized this sooner and just been in full trust and faith that what was meant for me would arrive right on time, and it has! Let us help you be fully in this space of trust.


If you relate to any of this then this community is for you. I want to help you break down societal expectations that just don’t fit anymore, quiet narratives that tell us we are behind or running out of time and help you love your life just as it is now. We don’t have to feel bad if we are not in a relationship yet, if we don’t have a baby yet, if we are not where we want to be in our career yet.  If you are ready to stop comparing, stop judging yourself, stop being crippled by pressure and feel happy and fulfilled now, then join us in this wonderful community and listen to our podcast.

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