Quiet The Clock Podcast

In episode 28 of Quiet the Clock, Siobhan joins Beth to talk about her journey through her 30s and her decision to freeze her eggs. Siobhan shares what a transformative time it was in her life as she navigated other health issues and freezing her eggs at the same time. Siobhan shares that her decision to freeze was influenced by a very clear desire to be a mother and wanting to preserve her option to do that as she continues to date and meet a partner. 


They examine the pressure to settle down, and the ticking clock of fertility on women, as well as  the imbalance of the burden placed on women versus men. She shares her experiences with fertility testing, the emotional and financial aspects of egg freezing, and dating. Siobhan also shares her clarity on what is important to her and realizing a goal of buying a house in Florida and being closer to her family. 



  • “That narrative of running out of time, that’s certainly one a lot of the women that find themselves in this demographic or considering egg freezing or egg freezing or single and dating in their 30s, that’s a common common narrative.”
  • “Well, what if I’m the person that has issues and I’m wasting time where maybe I should have taken the next step because I’m just scared to hear the results?”
  • “Schedule the appointment. I think that alone was so important.”
  • “I wish I had seen content like Quiet The Clock Sooner, It would have helped me take that step sooner.”


Key Points:

  • Siobhan’s Decision to Freeze her Eggs [00:09:44] Siobhan shares her lifelong desire to be a mother and her decision to freeze her eggs due to the challenges of dating and the ticking biological clock.
  • Navigating the Uncertainty of Dating and Egg Freezing [00:06:49] Siobhan discusses the common narrative of feeling like time is running out and the mental and emotional challenges she faced during the pandemic, her health transformation, and buying her first home.
  • Starting the Egg Freezing Journey [00:09:44] Siobhan talks about her decision to seek out a fertility specialist and start her egg freezing journey as an insurance policy for her future while she figures out her life.
  • The hesitation and fear of fertility health check [00:12:47] Siobhan discusses the hesitation and fear some women have in getting their fertility health checked and the worries they have about the results.
  • The emotional and physical process of egg freezing [00:14:23] Siobhan shares her experience of the emotional and physical journey of egg freezing, including the stress of fitting it into a busy schedule.
  • Dating and the pressure of finding a partner [00:21:02] Siobhan talks about the pressure she feels in dating as a single woman, especially considering her desire to have children and the societal expectations of finding a partner.
  • Dating in your 30s [00:25:14] Discussion on the pressures and challenges of dating in your 30s, including societal expectations and the desire for a partner.
  • Feeling behind in life [00:27:20] Exploration of the pressure and self-inflicted pressure of feeling behind in life milestones, such as marriage and children, compared to friends and family.
  • Shifting priorities during the pandemic [00:33:20] Explanation of how the pandemic helped shift priorities, including reevaluating career goals and personal aspirations, leading to a move to a different location.
  • Siobhan’s egg freezing process [00:38:18] Siobhan shares her incredible journey through the process of freezing her eggs and the challenges she faced during her 30s.
  • Making information accessible to women [00:37:49]Siobhan expresses her appreciation for the podcast and wishes she had access to this kind of content earlier to help her overcome anxiety and take the step of freezing her eggs.
  • Balancing the biological clock [00:38:35]The host promotes their guide, “Balancing the Biological Clock,” which provides expert advice on handling an unready partner and navigating different timelines in relationships.